With the turning of the year to the winter months, it's no surprise that I've been drawn to the cold as a means of inspiration. Standing at 16x20", Arctic has at it's core a dramatic and icy heart. Inspired by the frozen lakes of Scandinavia, the restless creative motion of the water produces layers of deep blue and white ice that 'sings' while it freezes. Arctic follows a similar pattern, with its thick bands of snowy white paint - rich with ground Mussel shells and sage, as well as a depth of blue at its centre. Blended with the navy is ground oak root - taken from an ancient oak that fell during the January storms. Contributing further to its incredible energy, Arctics pigments have been mixed with water collected from a stream on the side of the Scottish Munro Schiehallion - known as the Fairy Hill of the Caledonians. Finally, finishing this hugely energetic original are 4 veins of hand hammered Italian silver.